
FamilyRemarrying and merging families can be tricky, but for most people, over time, they enjoy having the support of additional parents. It is common for some step-parents to take on the role of "mother" or "father" when a biological parent may be absent from the child's life or in some cases the step-parent is better able to serve the child's needs. In cases like this, some families may consider a step-parent adoption.

Virginia Code § 63.2-1241 states that in cases in which the spouse of a birth parent or parent by adoption who is not the birth parent of a child wishes to adopt the child, the birth parent and his spouse may file a petition for adoption in the circuit court of the county or city where the birth parent and his spouse reside or the county or city where the child resides. The best interests of the child are the court's paramount consideration.

ReeseLaw can assist you in your step-parent adoption so that you can create the family ties you wish for your child.


For more information, schedule a consultation or call 703.279.5140.



What does the adoption mean for the biological parent(s)?

The adoption eliminates the biological parent's obligation to provide support for the child, but it does not eliminate any existing child support arrearage.

The adoption does NOT eliminate the child's right to inherit from the biological parent.

What is Virginia Code § 63.2-1215?

Except in limited circumstances, the blood relatives and family members of the parent being divested of their parental rights, are also divested of their legal rights and obligations to the child, including right to petition the Court for visitation. 

What Our Clients Say
   This isn't just a another law office.   

This isn't just a another law office. It's a group of people here to help you through likely the most difficult event of your life. At least that's been my experience. Reese Law has been supportive, empathetic and empowering while helping me navigate a difficult separation and divorce. They have an outstanding team dedicated to the mental and physical wellbeing of their clients while maintaining the utmost professionalism and care regarding any children that may also be involved. There are no words to describe how amazing this team has performed in spite of incredibly difficult and sensitive circumstances. I could not have prayed for better guidance through these difficult times. Ms. Reese, Ms. Feldman and Ms. Powes have been monumental and inspirational. My case has not been easy yet they have had the patience of saints.

12150 Monument Dr, Suite 225 | Fairfax VA 22033 | Directions
☎ 703.279.5140 | 703.279.5141 (fax)

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